Well a lot has happened since I updated the blog last!!
Last week was our first ultra sound appointment, and now we know that Jessie is 9 weeks pregnant. It was absolutely the most amazing thing to witness our baby moving around inside. There are certain things in life that a person just can not prepare themselves for, and this was one of those occasions. Jessie has been incredible so far, but starting to feel the nausea and tiredness that comes along with pregnancy. And I have been like a giddy little boy who's anxious for the first day of school. We could not be more opposite right now, but I guess that is just the way it goes. God's grace presents itself as a constant refuge during this season of life...
We have been following a website which each week compares the size of the baby to a food item, and this particular week he/she is around the length of a grape. Next week is a kumquat and the week after that is a fig. It is all so fascinating to me how he/she is constantly growing at every single moment. As if God is reminding us that we are suppose to be like that as well. Humans were not designed to ever stop growing in certain aspects. At one time or another each of us was the size of a kidney bean both physically and spiritually, and so we are left challenged by our little baby to constantly keep growing. We wanted to encourage you as well to do the same. Next week strive to be kumquat, but then do not settle with that instead long to be a fig the week after. Your growth alone transforms others around you just like the baby transforms us everyday!