I always stay up an hour or two after my wife goes to bed, and have my alone time to do the mindless things that men love to do. So usually by the time I call it a night and crawl in bed she is good and asleep. Now for those who don't know, sleeping with a pregnant woman comes with unique occurrences, for example, the constant getting out of bed to use the restroom, switching positions in order to sleep on their sides, and lastly but not least, snuggling with pregnancy pillows. It certainly is an experience. But amongst all those adjustments there is also something else taking place, the slightest sensation, so delicate, that it could simply be written off as insignificant: this is the awareness of being immersed in pure masculinity. Never have I felt more like a man then when lying next to my pregnant wife. It is true that I wholeheartedly enjoy working out, grilling meat, drinking good beer, and fishing with a buddy, but in my opinion, sharing a single mattress with the two that mean most to me, and knowing they are safe, comfortable, and near by, is worthy of the highest merit of all masculine experiences thus far in my life. Therefore tonight allow me to rest feeling like a true man, so when the morning comes and I find that I have stolen all the covers, and I am cuddling like a little girl with Jessie's pregnancy pillow once again, I will be able to carry on and my head won't hang low for too long...