I always get a kick out of this story:
A few days before my older brother died he was staying at my parents house, and one night he stretched out across the floor of my father's office while he talked to a friend on the phone; as he lied there on the floor talking he happened to look up at the bottom of a chair, a chair that use to be in my little brothers bedroom, and he unexpectedly came across a grossly amount of old boogers that my younger brother had hidden sometime back. He phoned our little brother and told him the cove of boogers had been discovered. Ironically this "picking for gold" incident left us with a golden memory, a last good laugh, and I suppose the lessons learned might be this: inevitably some boogers will be found no matter how good they are hidden, but the much more rich enlightenment- relish! Relish those times around the kitchen table, relish the phone calls, relish car rides together, because truly it is the most minute moments, the ones tinier than the smallest booger, that one day we all wake up missing and wish we could have back- learn to relish the booger moments...