40,000 miles

Idleness- existing in a changeless situation.

Every year the Arctic Tern (a bird) flies over 40,000 miles in an effort to migrate. They return to their breeding ground for a short amount of time, and then leave again in order to seek food and warmth. Hands down, they migrate farther than any other known species. Embedded in their tiny brain is this instinct to constantly change their situation into something better. They know how to change.

Yesterday we went on a walk to get out of the house and into the gorgeous weather. Fall in Ohio is absolutely amazing. The colors are revealed in a way that I have never experienced. The depth of God's beauty is exposed through the variety of tress that consume the area. Donald Miller captured the essence of seasonal changes in a quote that is always inspiring saying, "The seasons remind me that I must keep changing, and I want to change because it is God's way."

So we wanted to encourage you, as the fall has come, to see the seasonal change as revelation to keep transforming yourself. Take a step back and identify God's grace as change is happening. Escape spiritual idleness. Be proactive and intentional in everything that you do. May we all come to recognize our stagnation and have the wisdom to walk in the truth that God promotes change. Have a wonderful week!