Last weekend Jessie went out of town to visit some friends of ours in Iowa. While she was away I decided to do a little cultural experiment. Curious as to how many "engaging" conversations I could have with people I began to keep a mental talley. Ironically, the best discussion I had the whole time was with a drunk guy on Saturday night as I was leaving work. He was telling me about his favorite shows and asked what being married was like, and what we wanted to do with our lives. He engaged, drunk or not. And I was reminded that we were never created to spend our lives on the surface, yet much of it is. So many of our conversations are weathered down by emptiness. What is it about our culture that makes transparancy seem so difficult or awkward? Anyways, we just thought it was interesting and worth sharing. Maybe you could have good feedback for us?
A while back Jessie posted a quote saying "it occurs to me it is not so much the aim of the devil to lure me with evil as it is to preoccupy me with meaningless", and this seems so relevant to this discussion. So we wanted to encourage all of us to master engaging a non-engaging society. Don't be preoccupied with weather conversations...