Do you ever think about hallways?
I've really never put much thought towards it neither. But the other day I was walking to class and I thought a lot about them. My school has tons of hallways. Building them undoubtedly cost what we would consider a fortune, and I pondered on all the resources spent just to connect things. They must be pretty important...
The ones at school are cluttered with people transitioning from class to class. It is the hallways that provide the environment to move from one place to another, and they are created with the understanding that effort will be exerted within them. Movement is necessary for a hallway to complete it's function. Also, it would be unusual for the hallways to be more appealing than the actual rooms which they connect to. Would it not? Could you imagine having class all semester in the hall? They are always intended to be essential, but not primary.
Our experiences in life play a similar role to the hallways. Especially if we believe in God's soveriengty. My brother's death has put my family in a hallway situation. In time, if we keep exerting effort to move forward we will see that this connects to that. It is the unavoidable path. Little things are happening through out our days that make my family feel like God is affirming his presence. They provide the energy to take another step forward. It is difficult to move forward though when the hallway seems to be lined with pictures of our loved one and we just want to stop and stare at them all one by one...